Steering Group on Healthy Ageing
Dr Raymond WU, GBS, JP
Prof. Iris CHI, BBS,JP
Mrs Peggy LAM, GBS, JP
Prof. Alfred CHAN, JP
Mr Michael LAI, JP
Dr Ng Yau YUNG, JP
Representative of the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
Representative of the Social Welfare Department
Representative of the Department of Health
Representative of the Hospital Authority
Terms of Reference
To advise the EC on the direction and strategy in the promotion of Healthy Ageing;
To co-ordinate healthy ageing initiatives in the 3-year thematic Healthy Ageing Campaign;
To oversee planning of public education and publicity programmes to arouse public awareness in the importance of Healthy Ageing;
To encourage community participation in the Healthy Ageing Campaign through the Community Partnership Scheme and other initiatives;
To conduct further research into experience in overseas countries in promotion of Healthy Ageing and to plan local research work as necessary through the Research Committee; and
To receive reports from the Public Education and Publicity Committee, Community Partnership Committee and the Research Committee.