Public Education and Publicity Committee
Dr Raymond WU, GBS, JP
Elderly Commission Member
Mr Michael LAI, JP
Co-opted Members
Mrs Veronica HO
Mrs LO YAN Hau-yee
Mrs SO CHIU Lai-ching
Ms Carmen NG, Representative from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Representatives from Government Bureau/Departments
Health and Welfare Bureau
Hospital Authority
Department of Health
Socirmation Serviceal Welfare Department
Infos Department
Radio Television Hong Kong
Home Affairs Department
Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Housing Department
Terms of Reference
To plan and co-ordinate public education/publicity programmes on Healthy Ageing (including compilation of information materials on healthy ageing);
To monitor and evaluate the progress and effectiveness of the public education and publicity measures; and
To report to the Steering Group on Healthy Ageing at regular intervals.