Ad Hoc Committee on Housing and Residential Care
Mr CHENG Mo-chi, Moses,JP
Elderly Commission Members
Mr CHAN Kam-man,BBS,JP
Dr Iris CHI
Mr WAN Man-yee,JP
Dr WU Wai-yung, Raymond,JP
Mr W H HO, Deputy Secretary, Representative of Secretary for Health and Welfare
Mr C M LEUNG,JP, Deputy Secretary, Representative of Secretary for Housing
Mr Stephen POON,BBS,JP, Deputy Director, Representative of Director of Housing
Mr Andrew LEUNG,JP, Director of Social Welfare
Co-opted Members
Mr MAK Kit-ping, Member of the HK Association of Senior Citizen
Ms FUNG Yuen-wah, Active elderly volunteer, Kwai Chung Elderly Service Centre
Mr KWOK Lit-tung, Chairman of the Elderly Rights League
Mr Stephen NG,JP, Community Services Secretary of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
Mr WONG Man-bo, Chairman of the HK Association of the Private Homes for the Elderly
Miss Nora YAU,JP, Chairperson of the Services for Elderly Division, Council of Social Services
Dr Alfred CHAN, Associate Professor of City University of Hong Kong
Terms of Reference
To review the supply and demand of housing and residential care places for the elderly, with a view to increasing the supply by the public and private sectors to meet the demand in accordance with the agreed policy;
Where feasible, to recommend improvements to the current public housing allocation policies in respect of the elderly, including the various priority schemes for the elderly, with a view to achieving the policy objective of “ageing in place”;
To keep under review admission criteria and arrangements of various types of residential care homes for the elderly, with a view to achieving the policy objective of continuum of care. Where feasible, new initiatives that can help to improve the delivery of services should be mapped out; and
To undertake any task in relation to housing and residential care assigned by the Elderly Commission.