Ad Hoc Committee on Healthy Ageing
Dr Raymond WU, JP
Mr HO Mun-ka, Michael
Dr FANG Sum-suk, Marion, SBS, JP
Dr SHUM Ping-shiu, JP
Mrs Peggy LAM, SBS, JP
Prof Iris CHI, JP
Mr WAN Man-yee, JP
Mr Peter WONG, GBS, JP
Mr LAI Kam-cheung, Michael, JP
Dr Alfred CHAN
Prof Alex KWAN
Dr Maria LEE
Ms WONG Pik-sing
Ms Lilian LAW
Ms Margaret WONG
Ms Lanzy CHOY
Mrs LO Yan Hau-yee, Lina
Mr Gregory LEUNG, JP, Deputy Secretary for Health and Welfare (1)
Mr HO Wing-him, JP, Deputy Secretary for Health and Welfare (2)
Mr Lawrence LIU, Principal Assistant Secretary for Health and Welfare (Up to January 2001)
Mrs Brenda Fung, Pincipal Assistant Secretary for Health and Welfare (Since February 2001)
Dr Thomas CHUNG, Principal Medical Officer, Health and Welfare Bureau
Dr W M CHAN, JP, Assistant Director, Department of Health
Dr Daisy DAI, Senior Executive Manager, Hospital Authority
Dr KONG Tak-kwan, Consultant Geriatrician i/c, Princess Margaret Hospital
Dr WONG Tak-cheung, Consultant/Medicine, Tseung Kwan O Hospital
Mrs Eliza LEUNG, JP, Assistant Director, Social Welfare Department
Miss Monica CHEN, JP, Assistant Director, Home Affairs Department
Mr Paul CHEUNG, Assistant Director, Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Mr LEE Joi-tong, Head, Radio 5, Radio Television Hong Kong
Mrs Rebakah WONG, Assistant Director, Information Services Department
Mrs Katherine YAU, Chief Publicity Officer, Housing Department
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference of the Ad Hoc Committee are–
To map out strategies and initiatives for promoting healthy ageing;.
To co-ordinate and oversee the launching of a Major Publicity Campaign on healthy ageing in 2000/01; and
To report to EC on a regular basis, and submit a report to the Elderly Commission on completion of its tasks.